Thursday, November 28, 2019
What Are You Thankful For?
I've heard it said that's its important to practice what we preach. But I wonder if my practices aren't preaching, especially because my actions often speak much louder (and clearer) than my words.
So, on this Thanksgiving Day, I've been reflecting on my practices. What do my actions say? And, in particular, would students know by my practices that I am thankful for the opportunity to work with them? Would my colleagues recognize that I am grateful for them?
Well, one law school didn't wait to find out. Instead, they went public - with a day of gratitude. You can catch glimpses of that day in action, in which students, faculty, staff, and administrators publicly shared with others thankfulness: https://our-attitude-gratitude-law-school-gives-thanks
That sure sounds like a great idea for all of our law school communities. But instead of waiting to get started for next year, I'm convinced that we can practice acts of gratitude each and every day. As I think about my own law school experience, it's just a few people that believed in me (and continued to believe in me even when I didn't believe in myself). Those people kept me going. I sure am thankful for them.
So, as we turn the corner towards final exams in this season that can be particularly stressful and alienating for our students, what a great time to show them that that we care for them, that we are thankful for them, that we live in community with them. Because, if truth be told, thanksgiving it seems to me is not really just a day...but rather a way of living life throughout our days. (Scott Johns).