Saturday, November 30, 2019
Compilation of Posts on Neuromyths
Over the past couple months, Scott Fruehwald and the team at the Legal Skills Prof Blog tackled different neuromyths that permeate legal education. I previously passed along one of the articles, but I thought I would compile a longer list for everyone's reading pleasure. I may have missed one, but here are the ones I have saved. Enjoy the reading.
The pernicious falsehood about visual learners and other neuromyths
Educational Neuromyths and Cognitive Biases
The Practical Effect of Neuromyths and Cognitive Biases
Here's The Biggest Educational Neuromyth of All: Multitasking
Another neuromyth bites the dust - this time it's font choice
Cognitive Biases: Urine Tests, Legal Education Neuromyths, and Lawyers