Law School Academic Support Blog

Editor: Goldie Pritchard
Michigan State University

Monday, July 6, 2015

Gearing up for the 2L (or 3L) year

You’ve had some time to rest and, perhaps, are wondering how to make the most of the remainder of your summer break.  Here are a few suggestions – if you are not entirely satisfied with your 1L final exam grades or if you were placed on your law school’s equivalent to academic warning or academic probation.

First, if you can – arrange to get copies of your exam answers.  Review them carefully and do a critical self-assessment.  If you are wondering how to approach this task, consult one of the many texts on surviving and thriving in law school.  For example, Mastering the Law School Exam, by Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus, might be a good text for this purpose.

Second, compare and contrast the essays on which you succeeded to the essays that were less successful.  Make a list of the components of the successful essays.  Did you clearly identify the issues that you spotted; did you clearly state an applicable rule; and did you fully apply the rule to the facts in the exam hypothetical?

Third, take out the review materials that you got from the various bar vendors that tabled at your law school and use the materials to review each of the required 1L subjects.  Do the practice multiple-choice and essay questions that the materials may contain.  It is not too early to start brushing up on these subjects; first, they may form the basis of some of your upper-level classes and, second, these subjects will be tested on the bar exam.

Fourth, review your 1L strategies for class prep, e.g.., case reading and case briefing; note-taking; daily and weekly review;  and exam preparation, e.g. outlining and drafting practice exam answers. 

Fifth, and last but not least, relax; spend time with family and friends.   Arrive at school for the fall term rested and ready to succeed.



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