Law School Academic Support Blog

Editor: Goldie Pritchard
Michigan State University

Friday, November 21, 2014

Call for Nominations for AALS Section on Academic Support Elections for Treasurer and two Board Members

Call for Nominations for AALS Section on Academic Support Treasurer and Two Board Members

Elections are scheduled for the AALS Section on Academic Support business meeting on Friday, January 2nd at 6:30 – 7:30 the 2015 AALS Annual Meeting.  The Nominations Committee will receive the nominations and will recommend a slate of candidates at the business meeting.  In addition, nominations will be taken from the floor at business meeting.

The Executive Committee of the Section consists of Officers and Board Members: Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past Chair, and four Board Members.  Officers hold one-year terms; Board Members hold two-year terms. 

The 2014 – 2015 Executive Committee is:

Chair: Amy Jarmon

Chair-Elect: Lisa Young

Immediate Past Chair: Louis Schulze

Secretary: Melinda Drew

Treasurer: Chelsea Baldwin

Board Member (term expires January 2015): Jamie Kleppetsch

Board Member (term expires January 2015): Goldie Pritchard

Board Member (term expires January 2016): Linda Puertas

Board Member (term expires January 2016): Alex Ruskell

For 2015 – 2016, a rotation of 2014 – 2015 Officers will occur as follows: the Chair will rotate into the Immediate Past Chair position; the Chair-Elect will rotate into the Chair position; the Secretary will rotate into the Chair-Elect position; the Treasurer will rotate into the Secretary position.  The two January 2016 Board Member positions continue.

Vacancies to be filled by election will occur in the Treasurer position and the two Board positions expiring in January 2015.  Nominations are being solicited for these vacancies.

  • Treasurer: one-year term as Treasurer; the Treasurer will serve as the Co-Chair or Chair of a committee (committee determined in discussion with the incoming Chair); this position would rotate in future years to the Secretary, Chair-Elect, and Chair positions under the current procedures.
  • Board Members: Two vacancies; two-year terms expiring in January 2017; Board Members serve on one of the Section committees (committee determined in discussion with the incoming Chair).

The nomination process:

  • Who may be nominated: Persons nominated must be faculty or professional staff of AALS-member law schools and also be members of the AALS Section on Academic Support.
  • Who may submit a nomination: You may nominate yourself or any other eligible candidate. 
  • Contents of the Nomination: The nomination must be in writing and include the following:
    • The nominee’s name
    • The nominee’s title, institutional affiliation, business address, and business telephone
    • A brief statement (less than 200 words) regarding the nominee’s role at his/her institution and connection with law school academic support.
    • If you nominate someone other than yourself, please indicate whether you have obtained the nominee’s permission.
    • Deadline for submission of nominations: Nominations must be received by Monday, December 15, 2014.
    • Where to send the nominations: Email submissions are preferred and should be sent to Louis Schulze at Florida International University (corrected email: [email protected]); mailed submissions should be sent to Louis N. Schulze, Jr., Assistant Dean and Professor of Academic Support, Florida International University College of Law, Modesto Maidique Campus, RDB Hall 2047, Miami, FL 33199.


Dr. Amy L. Jarmon

Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs and Lecturer

Texas Tech University School of Law

2014 – 2015 Chair AALS Section on Academic Support

Meetings | Permalink

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