Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Quick note on typos in the blog
I have been meaning to write this for a while, but it came to my attention today. Amy and I write blog posts between students meetings, teaching, administrative tasks, and myriad other responsibilities. We do our best to catch typos and grammar mistakes before posts hit the site. However, there is not always time to catch every mistake. The blog is not like law review; we don't have months (or even days) to write, proof, and double-check everything that is written and posted. At times, getting a post published is more like a race-to-the-finish law school exam. We do our best given time constraints. The alternative is to post less frequently. Please keep in mind that what we type is not always what shows up on the blog; at times technical glitches cause typos we can't erase or fix.
I do fix typos when I see them. Please be gentle on us. If you find an error so egregious you feel it changes the meaning of the text, email the person who wrote the post so it can be corrected. Most typos are the product of typing too fast and trying to get ideas down before the next student appointment interrupts the thought process. (RCF)