Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Coaching Training for AD/HD Students
If you're looking for ideas on a novel training this summer, you might want to consider the trainings offered by the National Institute at Landmark College, which is affiliated with Landmark College, a school tailored to students with LDs and AD/HD, located in Putney, Vermont.
Answer the following question: Does teaching your students to master the skills they need to manage their varied responsibilities as a law student:
a. Pose challenges?
a. Occasionally seem exhausting?
b. Occasionally make you want to pull your hair out?
If you're inclined to answer yes to any of those options, you may want to learn more skills to become an effective coach, particularly for students with AD/HD. According to their website, the AD/HD Coaching Training focuses on:
Utilizing expert question asking
Facilitating effective action
Practicing specific coaching techniques and strategies
Exploring record keeping options
The week-long course is designed for "professionals working with students at the postsecondary level. Secondary school educators working one-on-one or in specialized settings will also benefit."
For the weather wimps among you, do note that the Vermont summers are truly wonderful. The National Institute offers trainings throughout the summer. Other trainings of interest include, Teaching Writing to Students with LD/ADHD and Technology Solutions for Students with LD/ADHD. (els)