Law School Academic Support Blog

Editor: Goldie Pritchard
Michigan State University

Sunday, May 8, 2005

It's That Time of Year

Let me guess:  At least one student in the past few days has some anxiety about law school exams.  You've probably developed your own rap to encourage students to take as positive of a view as possible on the looming (um, approaching) examinations and to remind them to get enough sleep, nutrition and exercise as they prepare to finish the year and to walk, crawl or hobble off into the sunset.  Sunset_3 Maybe you want to browse some links on the web to gather some more suggestions.  U. of Dayton Law Professor Vernellia Randall offers some suggestions for anxious law students, including reminding them to pace themselves during examinations and to eat before the test.  For some generalized tips on reducing test anxiety visit the test taking tips website.  The good folks at University of Pittsburgh Student Health Center offer some relaxation techniques on their website.  You may want to refer students to the school counselor during this hectic time.  (els)

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