Law School Academic Support Blog

Editor: Goldie Pritchard
Michigan State University

Sunday, February 13, 2005

What Do you Do for a Living?

Some of us are professors who have been assigned Academic Support tasks instead of a traditional doctrinal class assignment.  Some of us are part-time.  Others are directors, co-directors, associate directors, or assistant directors of Academic Support Programs.  Most of us are/were lawyers, but others have been educated in different areas: psychology and education for example (oh, aren't there times in every week when we all envy them?).

When we get together at regional or national conferences, most of us are surprised at how wide-ranging the Academic Support world is.  Spend a few minutes to describe what you do for a living, so the rest of us (especially those new to the profession) can develop a better picture of the career path we are on.

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