Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Editor: Gerry W. Beyer
Texas Tech Univ. School of Law

Friday, March 11, 2016

Considerations To Keep In Mind For Planning A Funeral For Singles

FuneralFuneral planning is usually left until after death, despite the fact many intend to prepare in advance, which means it is often family that makes the arrangements. But with the growth in singles who never marry or have children, planning becomes ever more important since there will be no one to manage the funeral in many cases. As a result, single individuals will need to work in advance with the first step being visiting a funeral home to discuss options. This will allow a person to gauge cost and determine if they want to pursue other paths such as cremation of donating their body to science. In addition, close friends can be brought along to help with the planning process and serve as a trusted assistant who will see that someone's last wishes are carried out. As the lifetime single population grows, the issue of preparing for death will increase in importance but a little advance planning can calm the mind and ensure that a person's earthly remains find their appropriate final resting place.

See Holly J. Lawrence, Single People Worry: Who’ll Be There For Us?, Next Avenue, March 10, 2016.

Special thanks to Brian Cohan (Attorney at Law, Law Offices of Brian J. Cohan, P.C.) for bringing this article to my attention.


Death Event Planning, Estate Planning - Generally | Permalink


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